We are fortunate to live in a community where, without any need to be recognized, people so willingly help others. Recently, I wrote a letter to the editor about a hero of mine, Doug Whittum, who was awarded the Annette Schmidt Unsung Hero Award this spring, in front of the student body at Laconia Middle School. Doug is not a baseball star making millions, or a celebrity whose face you see plastered everywhere, or a race car driver, or even a politician who will tell you anything to get elected. No, Doug is just a regular guy, like so many regular people in our daily lives, who do extraordinary acts of kindness and decency, because it is who they are, and just what they do.
Let me tell you about two other heroes of mine, whose sincere efforts have enriched the lives of many young adults in our community for a number of years now. They are Jerry and Barbara Milligan, and between the two of them and their three children, Tom, Katie, and Michelle, they have some of the biggest hearts I have ever seen. Read More: https://www.laconiadailysun.com/opinion/letters/jim-babcock/article_ee670c2e-cdf0-5814-815c-63eb190e62fb.html